Johan A. Dornschneider-Elkink

Spatial econometrics


Wuu Kuang Soh, Charilaos Yiotis, Michelle Murray, Sarah Pene, Alivereti Naikatini, Johan A. Dornschneider-Elkink, Joseph D. White, Marika Tuiwawa and Jennifer C. McElwain (2024), "Stomata are Driving the Direction of CO2-Induced Water-Use Efficiency Gain in Selected Tropical Trees in Fiji". Biology [article]
Johan A. Elkink and Thomas U. Grund (2022), "Modeling Diffusion through Statistical Network Analysis: A Simulation Study and Empirical Application to Same-Sex Marriage", International Studies Quarterly. [article]
Working paper: arXiv:1903.08648 [PDF].
Presented at the Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, San Francisco, April 4-7, 2018 / Workshop "Modeling Spatial and Network Interdependence in International Relations", University of St Gallen, December 7–8, 2018.
Samuel Brazys and Johan A. Elkink (2021), "`Aid for Trade' Effectiveness? Micro-Level Evidence from Nepal", European Journal of Development Research. [article] [PDF]
Earlier version presented at the 11th Pan-European Conference of International Relations, Barcelona, September 13-16, 2017.
Diane Payne, Johan A. Elkink, Nial Friel, Thomas U. Grund, Tamara Hochstrasser, Pablo Lucas, Adrian Ottewill (eds.) (2019), Social Simulation for a Digital Society: Applications and Innovations in Computational Social Science. Cham: Springer. [book]
Including introduction "Social Simulation for a Digital Society: Introduction" (with Diane Payne and Thomas U. Grund).
Antonio Bubbico, Johan A. Elkink and Martin Okolikj (2017), "Quality of Government and Regional Competition: A Spatial Analysis of Subnational Regions in the European Union", European Journal of Political Research, 56(4), 887-911. [article]
Earlier version presented at the 54th Congress of the European Regional Science Association, St Petersburg, 2014.
Samuel Brazys, Johan A. Elkink and Gina Kelly (2017), "Bad neighbors? How co-located Chinese and World Bank development projects impact local corruption in Tanzania", Review of International Organizations, 12(2), 227-253. [article]
Earlier version: AidData Working Paper 26, 2016 [PDF]
Raffaella Calabrese, Johan A. Elkink and Paolo S. Guidici (2017), "Measuring bank contagion in Europe using binary spatial regression models", Journal of the Operational Research Society, 68(12), 1503-1511. [article]
Earlier version: University of Pavia, Department of Economics and Management Working Papers 96, 2014.
Raffaella Calabrese and Johan A. Elkink (2016), "Estimating binary spatial autoregressive models for rare events", Advances in Econometrics, 37, 147-168. [article]
Earlier version presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington DC, August 28-31, 2014 / Asian Political Methodology Conference, Taipei, January 9-10, 2015 / Joint Sessions of Workshops, European Consortium of Political Research, Warsaw, March 30-April 2, 2015 / International Federation of Classification Societies Conference, Bologna, July 5-8, 2015.
Raffaella Calabrese and Johan A. Elkink (2014), "Estimators of binary spatial autoregressive models: A Monte Carlo study", Journal of Regional Science, 54(4), 664-687. [article] [appendix]
Earlier version: UCD Geary Working Paper WP2012/15 [PDF]

Working papers

Artur Baranov, Meadhbh Costello, Rachel Deak, Johan A. Dornschneider-Elkink, Franziska B. Keller, Daniel Kelly and Hans H. Tung, "The diffusion of expert opinion and the risk of echo chambers".
To be presented at the 2023 Political Networks Conference, Los Angeles, 30 August 2023.
Johan A. Dornschneider-Elkink, Thomas Grund and Dakota Strode, "The international diffusion of same-sex marriage: A network analysis".
Johan A. Dornschneider-Elkink, "Network structure and the estimation of spatial parameters".
Presented at the XV World Conference of Spatial Econometrics Association, Tokyo (online), May 26-28, 2021.

Democracy and autocracy


Franziska B. Keller, Johan A. Dornschneider-Elkink and Hans H. Tung, (2025) "China watchers". PS: Political Science & Politics (forthcoming).
Presented at the 2023 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Los Angeles, 31 August-3 September 2023.
Alexander Baturo and Johan A. Elkink (2022), "What countries select more experienced leaders? The PolEx measure of political experience", British Journal of Political Science, 52(3), 1455-1464. [article] [replication data]
Presented at the General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research, Hamburg, August 22-25, 2018.
Alexander Baturo and Johan A. Elkink (2021), The New Kremlinology: Understanding Regime Personalisation in Russia. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [publisher]
Alexander Baturo and Johan A. Elkink (2017), "On the importance of personal sources of power: Comparative perspectives and research agenda", French Politics, 15(4), 505-525. [article]
Alexander Baturo and Johan A. Elkink (2016), "Dynamics of regime personalization and patron–client networks in Russia, 1999–2014", Post-Soviet Affairs, 32(1), 75-98. [article]
Alexander Baturo and Johan A. Elkink (2014), "Office or officeholder? Regime deinstitutionalisation and sources of individual political influence", Journal of Politics, 76(3), 859-872. [article] [replication data]
Johan A. Elkink (2011), "The international diffusion of democracy", Comparative Political Studies, 44(12), 1651-1674. [article] [code]


Johan A. Elkink (2009), An attitude diffusion model of the international clustering of political regimes, PhD dissertation, Trinity College Dublin [Lulu] [library] [code]

Working papers

Johan A. Dornschneider-Elkink, Tao Li and Qin Liu, "Political elites as cultural vanguards: The fashion of revolutionary names in China".
Presented at the Annual Conference of the Political Science Association Ireland, Dublin, October 9-10, 2021.
Alexander Dukalskis, Johan A. Elkink and Hang Xiong, "Simulating defection from autocracy: The case of North Korea".
Poster presented at the Social Simulation Conference, Rome, September 19-23, 2016 / paper at the International Conference of the International Studies Association, Hong Kong, June 15-17, 2017 / School of Politics and International Relations seminar series, University College Dublin, September 12, 2017 / Social Science Simulation Conference, Dublin, September 25-29, 2017.
Alexander Baturo and Johan A. Elkink, "What policy topics in the Kremlin's political rhetoric reveal about Russian politics".
Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, September 1-4, 2016 / Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, Brussels, June 23-25, 2016 / Amsterdam Text Analysis Conference, Amsterdam, June 21-22, 2016.
Johan A. Elkink, "Spatial, temporal and spatio-temporal clustering of democracy"
Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, August 29-September 1, 2013 [paper]
Anusha De and Johan A. Elkink, "Are remittances more effective in democracies? An empirical analysis"
Johan A. Elkink, "Democratic and economic diffusion"
Presented at the Joint Sessions of Workshops, ECPR, Edinbourgh, 2003 [PDF]
Johan A. Elkink, "Differences in democratic sentiment in Russia's regions explained"
Presented at the Joint Sessions of Workshops, ECPR, Grenoble, 2001 [PDF]

Electoral behaviour


Jesper Lindqvist and Johan A. Dornschneider-Elkink (2024), "A political Esperanto, or false friends? Left and right in different politicalcontexts", European Journal of Political Research, 63(2), 729-749. [article]
Johan A. Elkink and David M. Farrell (2022), "Predicting vote choice in the 2020 Irish general election", Irish Political Studies. [article]
Colm D. Walsh and Johan A. Elkink (2022), "The dissatisfied and the engaged: Citizen support for citizens’ assemblies and their willingness to participate", Irish Political Studies. [article]
Theresa Reidy, Jane Suiter, Johan A. Elkink and David M. Farrell (2021), "The Irish Referendums on Marriage Equality and Abortion", in: Julie Smith (ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of European Referendums: The will of the people? London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Johan A. Elkink, David M. Farrell, Sofie Marien, Theresa Reidy, and Jane Suiter (2020), "The Death of Conservative Ireland? The 2018 Abortion Referendum", Electoral Studies, 20. [article]
Earlier version: UCD Geary Working Paper WP2019/11 [PDF]. Presented at the Political Science Association of Ireland Annual Conference, Limerick, October 12-14, 2018.
Johan A. Elkink, Stephen Quinlan and Richard Sinnott (2019), "Economic Voting in EU Referendums: Sociotropic versus Egocentric Voting in the Lisbon Treaty Plebiscites in Ireland", Politics and Governance, 7(2). [article]
Earlier version: Dublin European Institute working paper 11-4 [PDF]
Kevin Cunningham and Johan A. Elkink (2018), "Ideological Dimensions in the 2016 Elections", in: David M. Farrell, Theresa Reidy and Michael Marsh (eds.), The Post-Crisis Irish Voter. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Johan A. Elkink, David M. Farrell, Theresa Reidy and Jane Suiter (2016), "Understanding the 2015 marriage referendum in Ireland: Context, campaign, and conservative Ireland", Irish Political Studies, 32(3), 361-381. [article]
Earlier version: UCD Geary Working Paper WP2012/21 [PDF]
Cees van der Eijk and Johan A. Elkink (2016), "How generational replacement undermined the electoral resilience of Fianna Fáil and facilitated its 2011 electoral meltdown", in: Michael Marsh, David Farrell and Gail McElroy (eds.), A conservative revolution? Electoral change in 21st century Ireland, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Earlier version presented at Politicologenetmaal, Maastricht, June 11-12, 2014.
Johan A. Elkink and David M. Farrell (eds.) (2016), The Act of Voting: Identities, Institutions and Locale. London: Routledge.
Including introduction "The Act of Voting: Identities, Institutions and Locale" and conclusion "The Act of Voting in Context" (with David M. Farrell and Richard Sinnott).
Johan A. Elkink and Richard Sinnott (2015), "Political knowledge and campaign effects in the Irish vote on the Lisbon Treaty", Electoral Studies, 38, 217-225, [article]
Previously presented at the 1st Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, Dublin, 2014, June 16-18
Joop van Holsteyn, Ruud Koole and Johan A. Elkink (2002), "Marginaal of midden in de maatschappij? Leden van CDA, D66, PvdA en VVD en hun activiteiten in de samenleving", Beleid en Maatschappij, 29(2), 67-80.


Richard Sinnott, Johan A. Elkink and James McBride (2012), Flash Eurobarometer 353: Post-referendum survey in Ireland, report prepared for the European Parliament
Richard Sinnott and Johan A. Elkink (2010), Attitudes and behaviour in the second referendum on the Treaty of Lisbon, report prepared for the Department of Foreign Affairs [PDF]
Richard Sinnott, Johan A. Elkink, Kevin O’Rourke and James McBride (2009), Attitudes and behaviour in the referendum on the Treaty of Lisbon, report prepared for the Department of Foreign Affairs [PDF]
Ruud Koole, Joop van Holsteyn and Johan A. Elkink (2000), Rekrutering en representatie in een representatief bestel. Bevindingen van een empirisch onderzoek onder leden en kiezers van CDA, D66, PvdA en VVD, report prepared for the Department of Interior and Kingdom Relations, The Netherlands.

Working papers

Johan A. Dornschneider-Elkink, "Preferences and Transfers in the 2020 Election: Mapping the ideological space of Irish party competition". (forthcoming book chapter)
Johan A. Elkink and Aidan Regan, "Electoral competition, labour market change and the renaissance of class voting: The cases of Ireland and the Netherlands".
Presented at the General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research, Wroclaw, September 4-7, 2019 / Political Science Association of Ireland Annual Conference, Limerick, October 12-14, 2018.
Mary Brennan and Johan A. Elkink, "Progress or tokenism? Female candidate selection by parties in local elections under an informal quota regime".
Presented at the Political Science Association of Ireland Annual Conference, Cork, October 16-18, 2015.
Martin Okolikj and Johan A. Elkink, "Comparing with which neighbours? A test of economic benchmark voting".
Presented at the Elections, Public Opinion and Parties Conference, September 9-11, 2016, Kent.
Johan A. Elkink, "Who are those shy no voters?"
Presented at the Political Science Association of Ireland Annual Conference, Cork, October 16-18, 2015.
Johan A. Elkink, Sarah Parlane and Thomas Sattler, "When one side stays home: A joint model of turnout and vote choice in referendums". (under review)
Earlier version: UCD Geary Working Paper WP2020/12 [PDF]
Presented at the 6th Pan-European Conference on EU Politics, Tampere, September 13-15, 2012 / Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association, Barcelona, June 20-22, 2013 / General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research, Bordeaux, September 4-7, 2013 / General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research, Oslo, September 6-9, 2017 / Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association, Vienna, June 21-23, 2018.

Supervision of PhD students

Salsabil Abdalbaki ongoing "Dynamic topic modelling and network analysis for water resources management in the Nile river"
Colm Walsh 2023 "Political cynicism, populism and support for democratic reform"
Jesper Lindqvist 2022 "Understanding left-right classifications in politics"
Mary Brennan 2020 "Gender quota and candidate selection procedures"
Yao Han 2017 "Beyond dependence: Trade and conflict"
Martin Okolikj 2017 "Quality of government and incumbents performance: Re-conceptualization of economic voting theory"

Luke Field 2020 "Discourse and rhetorical strategy in the campaigns of the 2015 Marriage Referendum"
Kevin Coffey 2015 "Why do states commit to international criminal justice? Support for the International Criminal Court in Sub-Saharan Africa"
Antonio Bubbico 2014 "Topics in local economic development"

Supervisory panel member
Lakshmi Sunil Menon ongoing TBC
Dino Wildi ongoing "How does European integration interact with right-wing populism in various countries, and which factors affect this interaction?"
James MacCarthy Morrogh ongoing "European foreign and security policy: A post-functionalist model of public opinion in the EU"
Redmond Scales 2024 "Explaining variations in the strength of authoritarian regimes: The impact of foreign aid on subnational support"
Chenlong Wang 2023 "Mechanisms that lead to online community-based production and access of information"
Leticia Barbabela 2021 "Federalist nuances of corruption: How federalism shapes perception of corruption in Brazil"
Gillian Golden 2021 "Building and applying a spatial microsimulation model for policy analysis and resource allocation in the Irish education system"
Tianyang Song 2020 "Explaining Variations in Contents of World Bank Lending Programs for Education"
Travis Tatum 2019 "Don’t weight for me: obesity clustering among adolescents in the UK, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden"
Zizhen Wang 2018 "Where is the Destination? Modelling the Decision-Making of Chinese Doctoral Students’ Migration upon Graduation"
Enrica Pinca 2018 "The evolution of regional economics. The importance of knowledge networks and spillovers for innovation and growth"
Erin Baumann 2013 "Between politics and a hard place: Explaining foreign policy in the post-Soviet space"
Jennifer Jackson 2013 "The social significance of ethnicity in contemporary Northern Ireland and Quebec"
Stephen Quinlan 2012 "Youth electoral participation"
Niall Morris 2012 "Irish foreign policy and its implication for international relations theory"